Charity suffereth long, and is kind, and
envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh
not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh
no evil, and rejoiceth in the truth, beareth
all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things,
endureth all things.
Charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth
forever, and whoso is found possessed of it at the
last day, it shall be well with him.
Moroni 7: 45 & 47
Moroni 7: 45 & 47
I have this scripture on my wall and read it often. It touches me so much to think of Charity as pure love which is exactly how the Savior loves each one of us. It struck me to think that Charity isn't doing as much as it is being! Oh, that I could feel this same pure love continually! I fail often in my attempts to look at others without judgment, criticism, or pride. I guess this life is one of learning. I'd like to love everyone with the depth of love the Savior has. Then I would truly be as He is, as I walk through this life.
I realize that serving and being one of his disciples is an act of love. It's a step into being as He was when he lived here on earth. He was serving and teaching. That was a part of His mission, but was peremptory to His greatest service to us in the Garden of Gethsemane. All that He accomplished during his years here was done through his pure love. It's evident when we read of the miracles performed, the sorrow that he felt when others struggled, and his constant desire to be "an instrument" in carrying on the work his Father had called him to do. What an amazing example He is to us! He was perfectly obedient, never wavering from the will of the Father. In the Garden of Gethsemane his anguish was evident, but he never lost focus on his Father. How perfect our lives would be if we truly loved as He does!
We're here to continually strive to be as He is. It 's a great calling to serve his children, to teach and lift them when they struggle, to comfort them when they face trials; and to be the angels He sends to carry on with the work he began. I'm so very blessed to be able to serve, but I realize this is only a part of my life. The teaching and serving must continue on to the very end of my journey. I must always be looking for ways to help myself and others understand his love.
Diane Irizarry & I have became very close, and now all our visits are just the two of us. She's returned to church, but has struggled with a few things. When we both realized that I had dealt with similar issues with some of my kids, she was so grateful to have someone to talk to that could understand. She has a little boy who is 2 years old and her husband is a non-member. I'm so proud of her for the amazing accomplishments she's made!
Kathy Upshaw is an active sister in Plano 3rd Ward. She has five boys who are also active in the church, but a husband who is a non-member. He's been very active in scouting for many years. She gets discouraged at times that he's unwilling to join. She wants him for her Eternal Companion and loves him so much. She's a fun and sweet sister that we've enjoyed becoming friends with.
Peggy Smiley is a single sister that moved into Plano 4th Ward several months ago. She is has a very cute and fun personality. She just needed friends when she moved in, so we were happy to reach out to her and gain a new friend ourselves.
We started visiting Susan Jones when we began serving in Plano 4th Ward. She was suffering from debilitating depression. She had to take a leave-of-absence from work to try to deal with it. It's been so wonderful to watch her move forward and begin to enjoy life again. Each week we visited her we would take a story or lesson. She would get tears in her eyes and say, "How did you know I needed to hear that this week". She began receiving counseling from someone we referred her to from another ward. He has helped her so much. I stand in amazement that the Savior really directs us to people who need us.. He directs us through inspiration. Sometimes we aren't even aware of it until statements like hers come out. I just love the eternal connection we have as missionaries. Every day is filled with miracles!
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