Thursday, April 11, 2013

Miracles & Tender Mercies

This past couple of weeks have been filled with so many wonderful experiences.  I've felt the Savior's hand in almost everything we've done, and realize, more than I ever thought possible, that coincidences never happen in life.  We are just constantly guided in every way by His loving hand.

On April 1st we went to visit an inactive sister, Diane Arrington.  We saw her right after we got here.  She talked with us on the doorstep for awhile, and told us she was expecting her baby in August.  We asked if we could come back to see her and she agreed, but asked us not to push the gospel.  A couple of weeks ago we heard from someone that she had lost her baby, but didn't want to tell anyone right now.  We waited for a week and then stopped by.  When she answered the door, she said she couldn't talk, and that her friend was visiting her.  However, she did tell us about the baby. It was a very short visit.....  

I continued to think about her for the next two days.  Saturday I told my companion that I felt we should go back and take a flower and card to her.  If she didn't answer we'd just leave it on the doorstep.  We visited a few other people, and then stopped to get a flower.  As I was driving to her home, I got the distinct impression I should see her alone.  Sis. Campbell agreed to stay in the car.  When Diana answered the door, I handed her the card and flower, and told her she had continually been in my thoughts and prayers.  She began to cry, and said it was so hard for her to talk about it,   but then she opened up to me.  She has a son that is 4 years old.  This baby was the second one she has lost.  The first was 12 weeks old, and this one, a boy, was 16 weeks. 

She always felt there was another one for her, but she and her husband were mourning their loss and struggling about whether to try again.  I was able to share my own experiences when I was unable to have children.  I was also able to share my joy in adoption, and reassure her that the love is just the same, when they need to come to us another way.  She said her mid-wife had suggested she go to a specialist...another thing for me to share, since I had spent the last 7 years working in an OB/GYN office.   We became "sister's" on the porch that day!  Shared experiences brought us together in a way that could have never happened otherwise.  I could see and feel the spirit with both of us, and truly knew at that moment, I was an instrument in God's hands for someone who was hurting deeply.

A few days later, yet another miracle.....  There is a sister in the ward that is 92 years old.  Elva came to Plano a few years ago to help take care of her ailing daughter who is 75 years old.  She had a stroke a few months ago, and we were asked to visit her and her daughter Beverly.  She had been active in the church all her life, but Beverly is not. We have developed a sweet relationship with both of these sisters who have had lots of health problems.  Last Monday Elva passed away.  A few days later we found out and went to check on Beverly.  A black woman answered the door.  We hadn't met her before.  We told her why we were there.  She let us in and said that Beverly wasn't there right now.

She then began to share the amazing experience she had when Elva passed on Monday.  Elva had returned from the hospital and was receiving hospice care at home. She said she has been Beverly's housekeeper for many years, and they had become very close friends, so she had been staying with Beverly to help her get through this.  They had both talked about how scared they would be when Elva died, and not sure they could handle being there.   This sweet woman then shared with us how peaceful it was in the room.  She didn't understand why she wasn't scared, but rather felt something she couldn't explain. 

We were able to explain what death is to her.  I told her the feelings she had were there because Elva's spirit was still in the room with them and providing comfort.  We talked about the Holy Ghost.  She knew of him, but didn't have a clear understanding of his role in her life.  Sister Campbell was able to share her experiences with her; as she had been with both her husband, and son when they passed away at home.  This sweet woman pulled us both into her arms and cried.  She said she hadn't shared those feelings with anyone, and was surprised that she had needed to share it with us.....Another beautiful experience as we were in the right place at the right time!  Miracles.........

This week we attended Relief Society Enrichment night.  They were making a family tree picture to hang on the wall.  As everyone was seated I saw Sister Nelms.  I went over to talk to her and decided to sit next to her at the table.  When the craft project started I asked her if I could make it for her.  She said she'd love to have me do that.  I described the different samples they had posted to give us ideas.  She chose the one she liked.  As I was busy cutting and gluing I asked her how her week had been.  She expressed discouragement about being in the dark all the time.

Our conversation went on to include the trials we are challenged with in life and I expressed my sorrow at what she is going through.  I shared the blessing I've received in knowing that trials help us grow in ways we can't always understand.   We then discussed the fact that Heavenly Father uses our trials to touch the lives of those around us, and told her how impactful it was to all of us as we watch her attend all the church activities in spite of being blind.  It becomes a life changing experience for so many people as they see us walk through the trials we carry.  I thanked her for the many ways she has touched my life since I've been here.

When I finished the project I told her it turned out so cute.  She was happy, but said she wished she could see it.  I told her she could and, once again, described it to her.  I told her about the leaves and how they are different shades of green.  Some of them have little dots on them, some have small stripes and others were a lighter green.  I then took her hand and placed it on the picture.  She started at the trunk of the tree and slowly moved her hand up to the leaves.  She expressed delight as she followed the leaves arching over the trunk.  This tender mercy was my blessing more than it was hers.   She saw the family tree through my eyes.  How grateful I am for this sweet sister.  She is filled with love and always willing to continue moving forward in her life.  As it is with many of us, some days are harder than others, but with the Savior's love, and the love of others we press on with hope and the promise of eternity.  "Heavenly Father, forgive me when I whine!"

On Monday of this week we were able to go to the hospital to hold Savannah again.  The surgery wasn't as successful as they had hoped.  She is still making a lot of noise when she breathes, but they said she will grow out of it.  Now they just need to help her learn to eat from a bottle before she can go home.  I held her for an hour.  She was so alert and watchful of me.  She and I had a sweet little connection that day!  She smiled and then peacefully slept in my arms.

Wednesday we headed to the hospital again, but on the way Sis. Campbell called Victoria to ask when she would be there.  Victoria was on her way and very excited because the nurse had just called her at work, to come and give Savannah her first bottle.  We waited for her in the waiting room.  Victoria was excited and scared!  We let her go up without us and told her we'd wait.  Some time passed, and then I realized I had my camera in my purse and needed to be taking pictures of this event.  I went in, and as I did so, the nurses we frantically looking for Victoria's phone as she had lost it, and couldn't take pictures ..... another miracle, camera in hand!  Savannah took the bottle without any struggles at all.  The nurse was coaching Victoria and told her not to take her eyes off the baby, even when the doctor came in, as her face was comfort for Savannah.  There were three nurses there, and all of them were amazed that Savannah could do it on the first try...... another miracle!  She got one bottle that day, and then each day they will increase it by one until they're sure she's doing well.  Then she gets to go home!


This week I went into the hospital to get a cortisone shot in my neck.  I've been waiting for this appointment ever since I got here, and finally got it done.  When my companion and I were in the waiting room, a lady came in and sat down in front of me.  She asked if we were sisters (saw our name-tags).  I explained to her that we are on a service mission.  We had a nice conversation together.  She said she felt that we had some similar beliefs as she reads and studies the King James version of the bible.

I was called back for the injection.  When I was in the recovery room she came in shortly after me again.  We, once again, began to talk.  When I was ready to leave I handed a "pass along card" to her.  She thanked me and said she'd go online to read about us Mormons.  When I went out to meet my companion, I remembered that she had a Book of Mormon in her car.  She had several of the youth in her ward put their testimony's in them, and she brought them to give away on her mission.  She ran out to the car.  When she came back I took the book to this lady, and told her it's a second witness of the Savior Jesus Christ, and if she'd read it she's know even more about His life.  She, once again, expressed thanks to me and said she would read it.  I had quickly put our names and missionary phone number in it, however, I forgot to get her name and information....darn!  Anyway, as I said before there are no coincidences in life.  It was an appointment I needed to wait she could hear the gospel message!

The last little miracle I have to report may seem unusual to others, but I see it as one.  I went to the grocery store late Saturday evening to get a couple of peppers for Sunday dinner.  When I got there and ready to check out, I realized I didn't have my wallet in my purse, and remembered I had set it on my bed.  I apologized to the clerk and asked her if she could take it off the register.  I told her I'd go home and then come back.  There was a young man standing behind me in line.  He said, "How much does it come to?"  Before I could say anything, the clerk told him it was $3.13.  He said, "Just add it to my bill."  He wouldn't let me change his mind.

On my way home I got to thinking about what had just happened.  I thought about all the small miracles that happen to us everyday.  Often we miss them because we don't take time to ponder.  The miracle of this experience wasn't about the money, but rather it had made this young man feel good inside, it had also made me feel touched by his kindness.  My heart, and his connected with a sweet feeling of warmth.  I've made it a practice in the past several years to look for these small miracles in my life.  I found them to be ever present when I slow down and think about the things around me;  the actions of others, and the beauty of this world.  Several years ago I wrote a poem that expressed my feelings about this, and Heavenly Fathers great love for each of us.

                                    AN IMAGE OF THY LOVE

                               Thou hast made the flowers to bloom
                                     and cast off the sweet perfume of joy within;
                               The birds to unite in song
                                     in a world of green leaves beauty.

                                Thou hast touched the distant hills
                                     with green velvet,
                                And placed life in the creation of animals
                                     that live there.

                                Thou hast sent to us the beauty of a butterfly
                                     to touch our hearts
                                With its grace at wing,
                                     and its color to the eye.

                                Thou hast placed tender perfection
                                      in many glorious tiny things
                                To bring joy and rapture to us
                                     who look upon in wonder.

                                With all these, thou hast not forgotten
                                     to place light in the heavens
                                That we may gaze upward to the stars, moon, and sun
                                     and beyond these to thee.

                                Father, thou hast blessed us in many ways;
                                     thou art truly the creator
                                For when we look deeply into each tiny creation
                                     there is a greatly perfected image of thy love.

                                                                         Linda Rae Baxter

I'm so grateful for the blessings of the gospel.  I'm thankful that I've been taught to think about Heavenly Father, and my Savior, Jesus Christ.  It is an awesome experience that the gospel has been my guiding light all these years.  It's helped me appreciate the blessings and joys in my life.  How grateful I am to have this opportunity to share such a prized possession with others.  My heart is filled to the brim with gratitude, and a desire to lift others as they become more understanding of this gift!

1 comment:

  1. Oooo I loved this post!!! I am so happy to read of all your experiences Momma!! We love you!!!!
