August 17th: I met with Pres. Gordon W. Tanner today to receive my release. He's been such a wonderful Stake President. He was serving on the High Council previously when I struggled through a very difficult time in my life. He's a man I admire as a great spiritual leader. We had such a wonderful talk about the work I'd done, and the blessings received by me and the people I served. Truly, the greatest blessings in life come from helping others. I felt spiritually lifted by being with him, and also knowing I had been doing the Lord's work on my mission. It was most difficult when he symbolically asked me to give him my badge. The tears flowed in realizing my missionary service in the Dallas Texas Mission is now completed.
August 31st: I had the blessing of reporting my mission to the high counsel today. I'm so grateful for these wonderful priesthood leaders. They've been at my side through so many experiences. Today was yet another of those many times. They asked me to share a few experiences I had while I served and to share my testimony with them. There was an amazing spirit in the room as I told them of my love for the people I served, and the many ways they served me.
The Savior has been on my right hand and on my left. He has carried me through storms and sunshine. With him I am never alone and always conscious of the blessings I have. My heart is full and I'm in awe that I have the gospel in my life! I felt very loved and cared for in the presence of these men who honor their priesthood. I felt their love and prayers for me while I was gone.
September 7th: Today I reported my mission to Novelty Hill Ward. This is the ward I've lived in for 13 years. It was a wonderful experience to look into the faces of all the ward members who supported and prayed for me while I was gone. I felt very blessed and happy to share some of the experiences I had in Plano. My testimony of the gospel has grown so much.
I also had the opportunity to share these feelings with several wards in the stake due to requests from brothers on the high counsel. I felt a special connection to everyone in those wards and encouraged them to reach out to the lonely and those with special needs. I shared my testimony of missionary work and asked them to consider serving in this special calling.
The Savior prepared me for this mission with all the callings he gave me through the years. That has been the major factor in helping me have compassion and love for others. Serving in Relief Society, Primary, and Young Women's organizations gave me the skills I needed so often while on my mission. These callings were the pathway to who I am today. My heart is filled with joy that I learned to reach out to His children, and help others who suffer pain and sorrow.