Monday, January 27, 2014

Coming Up On a Year!

How did that happen!  As I look over the past twelve months I truly am at a loss as to how quickly it went by.  I'm sure being busy had a lot to do with it.  I've thought a few times about coming home, and not having enough to do.  I think that's the dilemma of every missionary that serves. When we entered the MTC there were four of us sisters that were headed to Dallas.  Sis. Shell is getting ready to go home.  She had agreed to only stay for one year.  Seems strange we've reached that time already.

I had taken a Book of Mormon on the plane with me when I went home for Christmas.  I prayed that I would sit by someone who would enjoy having it.  On the way home I sat next to a lady from Mexico.  She'd been in Seattle to visit her son, and said she goes about every 6 months.  I was reading a book about the spiritual experiences of some of the pioneers.  She was interested so we talked about it.  She wanted a copy, but said it is hard for her to read in English.  I told her I'd try get it in Spanish but was unsuccessful.  I did get a copy of the Proclamation to the World, and the Ensign that tells about our temples and sent it to her.  We agreed to get together when she comes to Seattle the next time.  I'll contact the missionary's in Mexico to take her the Book of Mormon, and pray she'll be willing to hear the wonderful message they bring.

We've been busy working in all three wards. and have had some really wonderful experiences.  Every Saturday is spent trying to find people that are on the ward list but have never been seen.  I enjoy doing this as I feel concerned about them and the great loss they have by not participating.  We usually try to visit 6-8 homes.  Sometimes we find they've moved, sometimes they just tell us they're not interested; but when we find someone who is welcoming it makes it worth the time.

A couple of Saturday's ago we noticed a name on the 4th Ward list that we had not contacted and decided to stop by.  Lisa Mane answered the door and invited us in.  Her husband came up and also chatted with us.  He's a non-member and her second husband.  She said her son had just moved back home from Utah, and that he'd gone on a mission.  He and another son came down the stairs to meet us. We had a nice time with this family, and they invited us to come back again sometime and bring them a gospel message!  As we started to leave, I jokingly turned to her husband and said, "I'm sure you've given this young missionary son permission to give you the discussions haven't you?"  He sputtered a little bit.....and smiled at me. When we walked into church the next day, there she was!  She said, "I would have never come if you hadn't taken the time to stop by!"  Wonderful miracles!  She agreed to have visiting teachers come.  I think all it will take for her to return is some love and friends.

We also had a special experience with an inactive sister in the 9th ward.  She invited us in and we had a wonderful 45 minute visit with her. We asked if we could come back again or perhaps go to lunch together sometime, she agreed.  The next week we got a telephone call from her one morning.  She said she was feeling depressed and wanted someone to talk to.  She said, "I don't know why I'm calling you since I don't really know you, but it just seemed like the right thing to do!" We finished what we were doing, stopped by, and spent 1 1/2 hours with her.  She was feeling depressed and opened up to us with her life story, and about the struggles she had.   She just needed a listening ear, but was so sweet and appreciative that we'd taken the time to be with her.

Each week we send a report to the RS Pres. & Bishop so they know who we've contacted.  We told them about her calling us.  They were amazed that she had reached out to us.  They said she had been in the ward for 6 years and hadn't wanted to be involved with anyone!  I really believe that Heavenly Father places a mantle on us missionary's, and it's one that seems to reach to his children that are ready to return.

We were asked to teach Relief Society in the 9th ward last Sunday.  The lesson was taken from a conference talk by Elder Richard Maynes, "The Strength to Endure".  He told us that our quality of life is dependent on our ability to endure challenges in righteousness, and that being able to do so is dependent on the strength of our testimony.  When our testimonies are strong and we're truly converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ, our choices will be inspired by the Holy Ghost.  They will be Christ-centered, and they will support our desire to endure in righteousness.  If our testimonies are weak and our conversion superficial, the risk is much greater that we will be enticed by the false traditions of the world to make poor choices.

When I faced the big challenges in my life, one of the things Heavenly Father told me in a priesthood blessing is that my experiences should be used to strengthen others.  I felt impressed to share some of it with the sisters.  What I shared was how my testimony had become stronger, and that the atonement had a much greater significance now.  When I look back at that time I remember how the Savior carried me through, but I also remember a day that I had taken the burdens back.  It was my day in Gethsemane.  I struggled with the pain, the hurt, the sorrow all day long.  That evening when I knelt at my bedside I pleaded with Him to carry the burden for me again.  He did!  I got up from that prayer, laid my head on the pillow, and immediately slept in peace.  The next day my tears were for the Savior, as I knew that he had experienced the great pain I had suffered.  It hurt me to think that anyone would ever feel that, but especially the Savior.  He whom I love and cherish above all.  He had felt it, he understood it, and that's why he could provide me with the greatest comfort.....

We will all have times of struggle in our lives.  Some will be big, and others small; but we can endure all things with the Savior by our side  We just need to continually strengthen our testimony so we are aware of his presence.

                                           "God loves us.  He is good, He is our Father,
                                   and He expects us to pray, and trust, and be believing,
                                                              and not give up,
                                                   and not panic, and not retreat,
                                                   when something doesn't seem
                                                         to be going just right"
                                                                                                Jeffrey R. Holland



Monday, January 13, 2014

A New Year of Blessings

Just before I left for Washington we attended a concert by The Millennial Choir and Orchestra.  I'm sure some of you have had that wonderful opportunity.  They were outstanding, and had a program of many great performers.  There was a children's choir ages 4 and up that were so good.  They go into different areas of the country, assemble the choir & orchestra then have rehearsals for a performance. It was started in California by members of the church, but is a non-denominational group.  I love Christmas and the wonderful messages we enjoy through music.

I came back from Washington on January 1st after spending most of my time with Jenny and her girls during the holidays.  I felt very blessed to be there to help her.  We waited for several days thinking  the baby would come any time. We were able to have Christmas dinner at Christina's home, but Jenny started having strong labor pains so we rushed back to Spanaway and then to the hospital in Tacoma.  Valerie Renee just wanted to wait until Christmas to be our "Little Christmas Angel".  She was born at 11:47 pm at 7 pounds 14 ounces.  She's absolutely beautiful, and the best Christmas gift ever!  It was wonderful to see the happiness in the faces of her mother, father and two big sisters.  Life is so good!


After Jenny came home from the hospital I spent a couple of nights with Christina's family.  I couldn't believe how tall all three of her kids are!  The summer weather must have given them a growing spurt.  I felt very short standing next all of them!  It was such a thrill to be with them and attend church in North Bend.  I also got to enjoy Shaun's cute kids and they've also changed since I left.  I'm truly blessed to be their grandmother.  The time I spent with Cade, Trey and Chad was wonderful.   I longingly wished I could visit all my sweet friends. 

Though I was glad to be home with my family, I still felt anxious to return to Plano.  I've grown to love so many wonderful friends as I've served.  Sister Helena Lawson asked me to call her while I was gone, which I did.  She was so sweet and expressed joy in my new granddaughter, but was anxious for me to return.  She, like many others, have touched my life in such special ways.

I received news while I was gone that Sis. Berniece Rabe Tryand had passed away.  She's a sister I've mentioned before.  We visited her in her home, and then in an assisted living home.  She struggled with heart and other health problems.  I'm glad we were able to be with her for awhile.  She was always happy to have us come, and now finds peace from her struggles.  We'll miss being with her.

When I returned to Plano, I hit the ground running!  We're doing a lot of work in the 9th ward and getting to know lots of special members there.  We'll be teaching relief society there on the 26th.  Also had a visit with Bishop Lucero last evening in the 3rd ward.  He wants us to help the Sorenson family.  They've been  struggling with many challenges along with organization and managing chores with their children.  This will be a new kind of assignment for us, but we'll give it all we can!

Yesterday we met with Helena and had a very spiritual discussion on the presence of angels in our lives. We each shared occasions in our lives where we've felt some of our deceased loved one's near us. It made me think about one of my favorite talks. 

Elder Jeffrey L. Holland. "The Ministry of Angels" 
"Angels are usually not seen.  Sometimes they are.  But seen or unseen they are always near.  Sometimes their assignments are very grand and have significance for the whole world.  Sometimes the messages are more private.  Occasionally the angelic purpose is to warn.  Most often it is to comfort or provide some form of guidance to help us take heart and be filled with faith."  There are also angels who are instruments in the hand of God.  They are not all from the other side of the veil,  some of them we walk with, and talk with here, now, everyday.  "D&C 84:88  I will go before your face.  I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up."  (end quote)

To me life has been filled with visits from angels.  Yes, they're on my right and on my left.  When I am spiritually in tune, I become very aware of their presence on a daily basis. I'm so grateful for the love of the Savior.  He provides me with everything I need through the love and guidance of His angels!