Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blessings of "Getting Started"

Wow, what an amazing experience I had at the MTC!  We had young return missionary's teaching us  "Preach My Gospel" lessons.  Sister Russon was only 4 months back from serving in Dallas.  She was excited to tell us everything she could about our mission.  We met with a large group of seniors in the church building next to the MTC everyday for lessons.  We stayed at the Marriott...."Shaun's comment about that was "No Way, we didn't get to stay there!"  I think it was a nice perk, but with 3000 missionary's there wasn't an inch to stay anywhere at the MTC!

The MTC really touched my heart.  It was so amazing to see these young missionary's dressed in suits and Sunday dresses!  I felt like I had just been placed in heaven!  I don't think there was a single time I had to open a door!  They were so sweet and loving toward us "senior missionary's", and there enthusiasm was infectious.  By summer there will be 6000 missionary's at the Provo MTC .  They will have a new facility opened for them, and 52 more mission's will open throughout the world.  I'm so blessed to be a part of all of this, and in awe at the organization of the church in this major undertaking.  Can you imagine feeding 3000 missionary's three times a day!

Our District at the MTC:  Top row on right - Sis. Hultz   Front row - My Companion Sis. Campbell, Me, our trainer, and Sis. Shell.  All four of us are going to Dallas.

Ann Venn and I had a great trip to Texas.  The time went by fast, and I don't think we stopped talking the whole way.  She was truly my sister companion on the trip, and took care of my every need!  The weather was good for us.  We saw some beautiful country as we traveled through Utah and Colorado...but Kansas, "well, there surely must be some pretty places there somewhere."

We got a late start from Salt Lake City so we drove into the evening on Saturday.  We went to Sacrament meeting in Salina, Kansas Sunday morning and drove late again that night.  Monday evening we arrived in Texas.  I was completely "stunned" as we entered Dallas and went into this freeway maze! I've never seen anything like it and don't plan on seeing it again anytime soon!!!  It's called 5-high and high it is!

Pres. & Sister Durrant are wonderful people.  I am so blessed to be in the mission field serving with them!  They were so encouraging and anxious to help us get settled.  We received counsel to start out slowly so we wouldn't get overwhelmed, and to love everyone we meet.

We're piloting the new Women's Auxiliary Mission here in Texas.  The church has introduced this new calling in six different areas in the US and had great success with it.  We'll be reporting directly to Salt Lake once a month to give them information on how it's going.  We'll be working in our home ward for awhile and then expand to other areas in our stake.

We have two young elders in our ward.  One has been out only two months and the other four months; so you can see how quickly a senior companion begins training the "greenies".  They said they are happy we are here now as there are several sisters in the ward with non-member husbands.  Some of them won't allow the Elders but are hopeful they'll be more receptive to senior sisters.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

My Journey to the MTC

I was set apart to be a missionary on Feb. 4th by Pres. Gordon Tanner.  All but one of my children were there and some of my grandchildren.  I can honestly say, it was one of the greatest highlights of my life!  The spirit of the Holy Ghost was so strong.  Each of my children were given a few minutes to give me some parting advice.  The advice is treasured and the expressions of love and support touched me deeply.  It continues to warm my heart with joy!  Pres. Tanner is such a great and inspired leader.  He was truly guided in the blessing he gave, and knew of my concerns and needs to be a successful missionary.  My memory of that precious hour is priceless!  My "send-off" at church on Sunday was also beautiful!  I am surrounded by such sweet friends in the ward and their well wishes will hold precious memories in my heart.

Made the road trip to Idaho and Utah along with my dear friend Ann Venn, who has been amazing to give her time to me and travel all the way to Dallas TX!  I will always be grateful for her love and sacrifice.  I'm now in Idaho visiting with my 96 year old mother in law, cousins, and brother.  Then on to Utah to visit my grandsons before I enter the MTC on Monday Feb. 11th.

I would like to close this first entry by sharing, again, my testimony of the church and the Savior Jesus Christ.  As I look back over all my years, even while I was a small child; I remember feeling the spirit of the Holy Ghost in my life testifying to me of Heavenly Father and the Savior.  That feeling has never left me in all these years and has continually been a strength to me.  My favorite scripture has been a guidance to me in every aspect of my life.  "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct thy paths."  Proverbs 3: 5-6

I'm amazed at all the sacrifices made by my ancestors and the prophets so I could be born into "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints".  As I read and study the scriptures, I realize that the men and women who left us that precious history were people with feelings and challenges much like our own.  They were called to be apostles and prophets.  Many of the people they taught listened and were accepting of the teachings of the gospel, and they also became teachers.  They suffered and died, for what they knew was true.  My ancestors did the same.  They heard the message through the Prophet Joseph Smith and had the courage to listen.  They were ridiculed by many for their beliefs, yet they continued on so it could be had for our generation.  I'm so humbled by the blessings I have because of them, and only hope I can be an "Instrument in the Saviors hand" just as they were.  My life has continually been touched and guided by priesthood leaders, and the many angels at my side.

"Oh, that I can be worthy of such love and devotion!"